Angel, Season 4, Episode 12 (Calvary)

Protagonists: Wesley, Gunn, Fred, Conner, Cordelia, Lorne

Major Antagonists: Jasmine, Lilah, Angelus

FEATURED MONSTERS: Vampire, Altered Human, Demon, Half-Demon, Witch, Human, Higher Being

Over Plot: The gang tries to find a way to return Angel’s soul

Major Character Deaths: Lilah

Minor Deaths: As Angelus walks the streets we see vampires killing 2 humans and the bodies of 8 more that must have been killed off screen and during this episode

Notes: Gunn and Conner chop a Demon into bits in the cemetery, Jasmine controlling Cordelia’s body kills Lilah

Episode Bystander Kill Count: 10 humans

Killed/Destroyed/Banished Count: 1 Demon

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