Angel, Season 4, Episode 13 (Salvage)

Protagonists: Wesley, Gunn, Fred, Conner, Cordelia, Lorne, Faith

Major Antagonists: Jasmine, The Beast, Angelus

FEATURED MONSTERS: Vampire, Altered Human, Demon, Half-Demon, Slayer, Human, Higher Being

Over Plot: Angelus causes mayhem for the gang and the big bad

Major Character Deaths: The Beast

Minor Deaths: While in the bar we see 2 humans being fed upon by Vampires so we can assume they die

Notes: Angelus stakes a Vampire groupie, Lilah’s appearance in this episode is as a corpse and a hallucination so she will not be counted, Faith stakes 2 Vampires, Conner beheads a Vampire, Angelus destroys the Beast and the sun comes out frying 2 Vampires

Episode Bystander Kill Count: 2 humans

Killed/Destroyed/Banished Count: 6 Vampires

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