Charactor/Role Details

Teenage Girl

This role has been used in 5 Comic Based production(s).

Film Formats

+/-Theatrical Releases:Shorts:Serials:Direct to Video:TV Movies:TV Pilots:Web:Unreleased:

Production Attributes

+/-Silent:Sound:Black & White:Color:Colorized:BW & Color:Live Action:Animation:Live w/Animation:Stop-Motion:


ProductionRelease YearActorCreditRole Attribute
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Secret of the Ooze1991Kelli RabkeCredited Appearance
Batman Forever1995Rebecca BudigCredited Appearance
X-Men: First Class2011Sasha PieterseCredited Appearance
Captain America: Civil War2016Sophia RussoCredited Appearance
Random Acts of Violence2019Julia KnopeCredited Appearance