Details for Cast, Crew, and Creators

Forrest Taylor

In Comic Based Productions

+/-Acting Credits:Directing Credits:Other Crew Credits:

Film Formats

+/-Theatrical Releases:Shorts:Serials:Direct to Video:TV Movies:TV Pilots:Web:Unreleased:

Production Attributes

+/-Silent:Sound:Black & White:Color:Colorized:BW & Color:Live Action:Animation:Live w/Animation:Stop-Motion:

Acting Roles:

ProductionYearCharacter/RoleRole CreditRole Attribute
Terry and the Pirates1940Allen DrakeCredited Appearance
The Fighting Redhead1949Dan O'ConnorCredited Appearance
Bruce Gentry1949Dr. Alexander BensonCredited Appearance
Rustlers of Devil's Canyon1947Dr. GloverCredited Appearance
Superman1948Leeds [Chs. 3-4]Credited Appearance
Stagecoach to Denver1946Matt Disher (Rancher)Credited Appearance
Cowboy and the Prizefighter1949Miles StevensonCredited Appearance
Santa Fe Uprising1946MooreCredited Appearance
Dick Tracy Returns1938Commander GrantUncredited Appearance
Cheyenne Wildcat1944DoctorUncredited Appearance
Dick Tracy's G-Men1939Mr. StevensUncredited Appearance
Dick Tracy vs. Crime Inc.1941Netzikoff's ButlerUncredited Appearance
Danger Flight1939Police Radio DispatcherUncredited Appearance

Links to More Information:

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