Details for Cast, Crew, and Creators

Samuel Van Ronkel

This individual has only acted in or had a position with comics based productions that are TV Show or TV Show Movie format. Those formats are not shown on this site.

Crew Credits:

ProductionRelease YearCrew Position
Uncle Bim's Gifts1923Producer
Watch Papa1923Producer
Oh! What a Day!1923Producer
Aggravatin' Mama1923Producer
Oh! Min!1924Producer
What's the Use?1924Producer
Andy's Temptation1924Producer
A Day of Rest1924Producer
Andy's Hat in the Ring1924Producer
Andy's Stump Speech1924Producer
Andy's Lion Tale1925Producer
Chester's Donkey Party1925Producer
Andy Takes a Flyer1925Producer
The Smash-Up1925Producer
Min's Home on the Cliff1926Producer
Min Walks in Her Sleep1926Producer
California Here We Come1926Producer
Shady Rest1926Producer
Min's Away1926Producer
Dumb Luck1926Producer
Tow Service1926Producer
Never Again1926Producer
Lots of Grief1926Producer
Better Luck1926Producer
The Big Surprise1926Producer
A Close Call1926Producer
I Told You So1926Producer
Rooms For Rent1927Producer
Up Against It1927Producer
Youth and Beauty1927Producer
Broke Again1927Producer
I'm the Sheriff1927Producer
Circus Daze1927Producer
All Wet1927Producer
Too Much Sleep1927Producer
A Battle Scared Hero1927Producer
When Greek Meets Greek1927Producer
And How!1927Producer
Ocean Bruises1927Producer
A Total Loss1927Producer
Andy Nose His Onions1927Producer
The Mild West1927Producer
A Case of Scotch1928Producer
Any Old Count1928Producer
The Cloud Buster1928Producer
Out in the Rain1928Producer
Andy in Hollywood1925Producer