Details for Cast, Crew, and Creators

Philip Davis

In Comic Based Productions

+/-Acting Credits:Directing Credits:Other Crew Credits:

Film Formats

+/-Theatrical Releases:Shorts:Serials:Direct to Video:TV Movies:TV Pilots:Web:Unreleased:

Production Attributes

+/-Silent:Sound:Black & White:Color:Colorized:BW & Color:Live Action:Animation:Live w/Animation:Stop-Motion:

Acting Roles:

ProductionYearCharacter/RoleRole CreditRole Attribute
A Horse on Barney1929Spark PlugCredited Appearance
Horsefeathers1928Spark PlugCredited Appearance
Just a Stall1929Spark PlugCredited Appearance
Money Balks1928Spark PlugCredited Appearance
Neigh, Neigh, Spark Plug1929Spark PlugCredited Appearance
OK MNX1928Spark PlugCredited Appearance
Runnin' Through the Rye1929Spark PlugCredited Appearance
Slide, Sparky, Slide1929Spark PlugCredited Appearance
Sunshine's Dark Moment1929Spark PlugCredited Appearance
T-Bone Handicap1928Spark PlugCredited Appearance
The Beef-Steaks1928Spark PlugCredited Appearance
The Pace That Thrills1929Spark PlugCredited Appearance

Links to More Information:

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