Details for Cast, Crew, and Creators

Robert J. Wilke

In Comic Based Productions

+/-Acting Credits:Directing Credits:Other Crew Credits:

Film Formats

+/-Theatrical Releases:Shorts:Serials:Direct to Video:TV Movies:TV Pilots:Web:Unreleased:

Production Attributes

+/-Silent:Sound:Black & White:Color:Colorized:BW & Color:Live Action:Animation:Live w/Animation:Stop-Motion:

Acting Roles:

ProductionYearCharacter/RoleRole CreditRole Attribute
The San Antonio Kid1944HenchmanCredited Appearance
Vigilantes of Dodge City1944HenchmanCredited Appearance
International Crime1938Bar PatronUncredited Appearance
Sheriff of Las Vegas1944BarflyUncredited Appearance
Spy Smasher1942Chief Government Agent [Chs. 1-2, 10-11]Uncredited Appearance
Dick Tracy vs. Crime Inc.1941Cutter HelmsmanUncredited Appearance
Marshal of Reno1944DeputyUncredited Appearance
Cheyenne Wildcat1944Deputy CharlieUncredited Appearance
Adventures of Red Ryder1940HenchmanUncredited Appearance
Lone Texas Ranger1945HenchmanUncredited Appearance
Great Stagecoach Robbery1945Stagecoach GuardUncredited Appearance
Captain America1944Thug with B-10 [Ch. 4]Uncredited Appearance

Links to More Information:

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