Supernatural, Season 15, Episode 4 (Atomic Monsters)

Protagonists: Sam, Dean, Becky

Major Antagonists: Chuck

FEATURED CREATURES: Vampire, Celestial Being

Over Plot: Boys deal with fallout of Chuck wanting to end their story

Major Character Deaths: Becky

Minor Deaths: Cheerleader shown killed in flashback

Notes: quite a bit of death in the beginning dream that will not be counted. Dean kills the vampire, hard to tell if Chuck kills Becky and her family or not. He says that the husband and children are just ‘away’ and not dead and while it is impossible to tell if he is lying or not, we can assume from his actions later in the season as well as the effects in this episode matching what the kill effects look like later that they are all indeed dead.

Episode Bystander Kill Count: 4 humans

Killed/Destroyed/Banished Count: 1 Vampire

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