Supernatural, Season 9, Episode 14 (Captives)

Protagonists: Sam, Dean, Castiel, Kevin, Linda

Major Antagonists: Crowley(flashback)

FEATURED CREATURES: Human Spirit, Angel, Demon

Over Plot: Boys deal with Metatron and Gadreel’s plan while Abaddon and Crowley fight for Hell

Major Character Deaths: None

Minor Deaths: captive woman stabbed from flashback, guy at storage place, 2 Angel hosts, 1 Demon Host

Notes: Funeral is shown, the subject and Angel within died before the episode began so don’t count, Kevin is a spirit in this episode, Crowley only shows partial in a flashback, Bart kills an Angel, Castiel kills Bart, Linda kills a Demon

Episode Bystander Kill Count: 5 humans

Killed/Destroyed/Banished Count: 1 Demon, 2 Angels

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