Supernatural, Season 8, Episode 7 (A Little Slice of Kevin)

Protagonists: Sam, Dean, Castiel, Kevin, Linda, Samandriel, Benny

Major Antagonists: Crowley, Naomi

FEATURED CREATURES: Demon, Angel, Witch, Vampire

Over Plot: Boys look for the demon tablet to seal hell forever

Major Character Deaths: None

Minor Deaths: Crowley kills a prophet to be and explodes another, dead Demon hosts – 7

Notes: Dean kills a demon and then another, Sam kills 4 demons with a ‘demon bomb’, Castiel nukes one, first appearance of Naomi, there are some editing issues where when Sam discovers the remaining prophets to be, you see one of the ones that Crowley already killed is fine

Episode Bystander Kill Count: 9 humans

Killed/Destroyed/Banished Count: 7 Demons

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