Supernatural, Season 7, Episode 21 (Reading is Fundamental)

Protagonists: Sam, Dean, Kevin Tran, Castiel, Bobby, Meg, Linda Tran

Major Antagonists: Edgar

FEATURED CREATURES: Angel, Demon, Leviathan, Human Spirit

Over Plot: Brothers deal with the Leviathan escaped out into the general population

Major Character Deaths: None

Minor Deaths: 2 Demon hosts, 3 Angel hosts, cop whose appearance Edgar shifts from

Notes: First appearance of Kenneth Tran, an angel mentions Castiel smote thousands in heaven, but no specific number, Meg kills 2 Demons, Meg kills an Angel, first appearance of Mrs. Tran, Edgar kills 2 Angels, Edgar shifted from the appearance of a cop which means that the cop was killed for his appearance.  Bobby only shows in this episode as object movement

Episode Bystander Kill Count: 6 humans

Killed/Destroyed/Banished Count: 2 Demons, 3 Angels

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