Supernatural, Season 6, Episode 10 (Caged Heat)

Protagonists: Sam, Dean, Castiel

Major Antagonists: Crowley, Meg, Christian, Samuel

FEATURED CREATURES: Demon, Shapeshifter, Rugaru, Angel, Djinn, Hellhound, Vampire, Unknown

Over Plot: Brothers deal with surge in monsters while they try and figure out how to get Sam’s soul back and stop whatever Crowley is planning

Major Character Deaths: “Christian” and the host Christian

Minor Deaths: demon host, 2 more demon hosts

Notes:  Crowley kills the alpha shifter, Sam kills a demon, they pass a Djinn in the prison we saw from a previous episode, Hellhounds kill the 2 demons with Meg or more likely just the hosts, Meg kills at least 2 Hellhounds maybe more, she said there were lots but that is not really quantifiable, Sam and Dean kill 2 somethings, Dean kills the demon/Christian, It appears that Castiel kills Crowley (but he doesn’t), Sam asks Castiel to take care of the remaining monsters in the prison.  Other than the Djinn and a vampire and a Rugaru, we don’t know exactly who is there.  It is possible that Castiel is able to kill the two trapped demons in Sam’s cell, but again we are not certain.

Episode Bystander Kill Count: 3 humans

Killed/Destroyed/Banished Count: 2 Unknown, 1 Alpha Shapeshifter, 2 Hellhounds, 1 Rugaru, 1 Djinn, 1 Vampire, 1-3 Demons

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