Angel, Season 5, Episode 7 (Lineage)

Protagonists: Angel, Wesley, Gunn, Fred, Lorne, Spike

Major Antagonists: Eve, Nox

FEATURED MONSTERS: Vampire, Altered Human, Human, Demon, Cyborg

Over Plot: Self-contained

Major Character Deaths: None

Minor Deaths: Ninjas kill a lawyer

Notes: Cyborg kills a goon, Wesley shoots the other, the cyborg takes out the middleman, Angel kills a cyborg, at wolfram and hart Wesley skewers a cyborg that dies later, Angel Spike and Gunn take care of 3 cyborgs in the lobby, Wesley shoots the cyborg that looks like his father. (It could be argued that cyborgs are just altered humans and don’t deserve their own monster category, but there is precedent that Adam in Buffy was a Demonoid so…)

Episode Bystander Kill Count: 1 human

Killed/Destroyed/Banished Count: 3 Humans, 6 Cyborg

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