Angel, Season 4, Episode 8 (Habeas Corpses)

Protagonists: Angel, Wesley, Gunn, Fred, Conner, Cordelia, Lorne

Major Antagonists: Jasmine, Lilah, Gavin, The Beast

FEATURED MONSTERS: Vampire, Altered Human, Demon, Half-Demon, Human, Zombie, Totem, Higher Being

Over Plot: The Beast makes its move by attacking Wolfram and Hart

Major Character Deaths: Gavin

Minor Deaths: None kinda (the lawyers will all be considered evil for this list)

Notes: We hear the beast kill at least 2 guards over the walkie talkie (the 2 unconscious guards we can assume are also dead with what comes next), We see 1 lawyer thrown into a wall and then we scan the bodies on the floor that happened off screen to see at least 10 more as we zoom onto the Demon with the head of an 11th in its hands, as a group of lawyers descend the stairs we see the Demon throw one dead lawyer into 2 others that are not dead yet and then grab 2 more to kill them off screen, he yanks another off screen to kill it, the Demon snaps Gavin’s neck, as Conner sneaks around we see 7 new bodies on the ground that we have not yet seen, we see 3 new bodies as Lilah stumbles away from the Beast, we see what appear to be 6 new bodies as Wesley carries Lilah away and one gets up for some reason for the Beast to kill it, then we see 3 more on the ground, Angel and crew pass 3 dead in front of the elevators that had not been seen to this point then they pass through a lobby that we have seen but give an angle that reveals another 2 bodies, we come back to the stairwell and it looks like the tossed lawyer somehow killed the two it hit and we see 3 more on the floor leading up to it, we see 6 more dead on the stairs, we see 4 more new bodies after the gang gets up stairs, Angel passes another 3 bodies, The Beast killed the entity in the White Room which we will classify as a Demon

Episode Bystander Kill Count: 0

Killed/Destroyed/Banished Count: 1 Totem, 63 Humans

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