Angel, Season 1, Episode 21 (Blind Date)

Protagonists: Angel, Cordelia, Wesley, Gunn

Major Antagonists: Lindsey, Holland Manners, Lee, Lilah

FEATURED MONSTERS: Vampire, Altered Human, Human, Demon

Over Plot: Wolfram and Hart hire an assassin to take out some kids

Major Character Deaths: Lee

Minor Deaths: Blind assassin kills a guard, Assassin kills the caregiver

Notes: Angel stakes 2 Vampires, Wolfram security stake a Vampire, not sure if the powder Angel blew on the Demon killed it or just knocked it out, Wolfram security shoots Lee in the head, Angel kills the assassin

Episode Bystander Kill Count: 2 humans

Killed/Destroyed/Banished Count: 3 Vampires, 1 Altered Human, 0-1 Demon

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