Death Count Definitions for Supernatural

Definitions of terms and what is included:

This log is intended to be a basic document to primarily keep track of the mortality rate relating to the show Supernatural.  It will also keep track of some of the more important notes related to the plot of the show.  Protagonists and Antagonists are not a direct parallel to the normal definition of the words.  Protagonists include characters that appear more than twice and have an important impact on the plot of the show and at least an amicable relationship with the brothers Winchester or are the brothers themselves.  Antagonists include characters that appear more than twice and have an important impact on the plot of the show and have at least a somewhat adversarial role to the brothers Winchester.  It is possible to switch from one to the other and instances of this happening will be notated with the episode in which it occurs.  FEATURED CREATURES are every type of non-vanilla human in the show, it can also include normal humans if they are clearly the bad guys of the week or if a recurring Antagonist is present.  Major Character Deaths are those big characters lost along the journey.  Over plot is a general description of the.. well.. over plot as it goes and potentially changes through the season.  Minor deaths are those somewhat random unfortunates that die as part of the episode.  This is capped with a Bystander Kill Count and then the non-bystanders of the episode killed are capped by Killed/Destroyed/Banished Count.  Notes contain everything else including the manner of death of the FEATURED CREATURES and other stuff of importance.

It is important to note what is considered a kill for this list and falls under the following definition: The death must occur during the show itself.  So if Sam is describing the history of who died as a result of the spirit they are currently hunting in their location 100 years ago, those described deaths do not count.  Second, the death that occurs during the show must be verifiably tied to the FEATURED CREATURES or related actions pertaining to it or the over-arching plot.  For example, in the Christmas episode in season three, the Pagan Gods are shown killing someone at the beginning of the show but it is 1 year before the brothers arrive.  This counts because it is the exact same creature they are hunting and happens on screen during the episode.  However during the episode that first reveals the existence of crossroads demons, there is a death of a guitarist by the demon he made a deal with.  There is no way to verify it is the same demon that they deal with during the episode as there are many, so it does not count.  Deaths that happen during the episode off screen and described by exposition do count.  There will be instances where the number of deaths is unknown, but at least at the time of this writing, there is a definable range of where those deaths fall.  They will be described in a numerical range like 1-3 and will be described in the notes of the specific episode they occur within as to why it is a range.

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